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Racing Glossary
Across The Board (ATB)
Choosing a selection to win, place and show in a single designated race. The total wager costs three times a single bet. If the selection wins, the player collects on all three wagers. If it places second, the player collects on the place and show bets. If it finishes third, the player collects only the show bet.
A horse that finishes a race out of the money, i.e., a horse that doesn’t win, place or show.
An area located next to the racetrack where players may watch racing up close and in person. A fenceline separates the apron from the actual racing surface.
The area of the racetrack opposite the finish line. At most tracks, it is the area that crosses in front of the tote board.
The total available wagering funds held by the player.
Best Bet
The horse selected by a handicapper to win a race; or a wager in a game representing the highest odds in favor of the player.
The amount of money a player voluntarily risks on cards, sports or other games. The bet can be in the form of cash, chips or vouchers.
A person who places or has a bet (US). A bettor is also called a player in the US and a punter in the UK.
A record of each race showing finish, calls, odds and comments describing the performance of each racer. The chart is considered a useful statistical aid to handicappers for studying the past performance of each racing horse.
Daily Double
A combination wager where the player selects the winners of the first and second races of the day. He must place his bet before the start of the first race. The daily double is similar to the accumulator.
The female parent of an animal, i.e., the mother of a greyhound or thoroughbred.
Dead Heat
An exact tie in a race. The winner in a photo finish is determined by the position of the tip of the racer’s nose, relative to the wire.
Even Money
A bet that pays the player the same amount that he wagered plus his original wager. Shown as a ratio of 1:1. Neither side lays any odds.
Refers to wagering on a race in which the first and second place horses are picked to cross the finish line in a specified order.
Exacta Box
Refers to wagering on a horse race in which the first and second place horses (two or more) are picked to cross the finish line in any order.
The physical state of the racetrack during normal weather conditions.
The team, side, horse or contestant competing in any given event considered to have the best chance to win.
Field (Racing)
The number of entries in a race.
Total amounts of wagers taken.
The area surrounded by the oval racetrack.
Intentional physical contact that obstructs or impedes the running of horses or players in a game.
In the Money
A first, second or third-place finish (i.e. Win, place or show)
The margin equal to the length of one horse. Length is used to describe the position of a horse, relative to his competitors during calls or at the finish of the race.
Refers to the listed odds, points, money line or point spread for any given event.
Long Odds
Relatively small odds given that an event will occur.
Long Shot
An extreme underdog.
An acronym for minutes-to-post, i.e., the time remaining before the start of a particular race.
A racing term for the slimmest margin of victory.
Odds On Favorite
A horse, team or contestant so favored by the public that the odds for the event are less than even.
OTB (Off -Track Betting)
An establishment outside of the racetrack, like a sports bar or restaurant where people can bet on horse racing from racetracks around the country.
Past Performance
An accurate record of the performance of specific teams, horses or contestants when participating in sports events similar to those scheduled.
Photo Finish
When a camera is used to accurately determine the winner of a very close race.
Pick Six
A combination wager on the six winners of six consecutive races.
Pick Three
A combination wager on the three winners of three consecutive races.
A wager that a specific dog or horse will finish in first or second place, i.e., if the player’s selection crosses in first or second place, he collects.
Post Time
The time the race begins.
A printed guide to the day’s races including detailed data to assist players to handicap the races.
Racing Secretary
The track official whose major functions include determining how many races of each grade are to be run over each distance for any given program. The racing secretary also conducts the random draw for post positions.
To withdraw, cancel or call off a wager.
Describes a third-place finish. A player collects if his selection finishes first, second or third.
The male parent of an animal, e.g., the father of a greyhound or horse.
Stakes Race
A horse race for a championship, or for a purse larger than those offered for ordinary feature races.
Straight Bet (Wager)
A wager on a specific horse or team, in a single designated race or game, to win at the given odds. This is the simplest and most common bet. Also see Single Bet, and Win (Bet).
A wager placed on any four horses or greyhounds to cross the finish line in a specific order.
The money taken from the betting pool by track management for the state, as well as the racing association.
Totalisator Machine
A computerized system that records amounts wagered, prints tickets for players, calculates odds and displays them on screens throughout a racetrack.
Tote Board
A board located behind the backstretch of the racetrack that displays the odds, pools, results and payoffs of each race.
A wager on three selections, in a single designated race, to cross the finish line in a specific order.
Trifecta Box
Racing term referring to a player making three picks to finish first, second and third in any order.
The amount of money a player voluntarily risks on a game. The wager can be in the form of cash, chips or vouchers.
Win (Bet)
A wager on a specific horse or greyhound to win at the given odds. This is the simplest and most common bet. If the player’s selection crosses the finish line in first place, he collects.
Winner’s Circle
An area where the winning greyhound or horse is on display following the race and is often involved in a ceremonial presentation.
The official finish line for a horse race.
Choosing a selection to win, place and show in a single designated race. The total wager costs three times a single bet. If the selection wins, the player collects on all three wagers. If it places second, the player collects on the place and show bets. If it finishes third, the player collects only the show bet.
A horse that finishes a race out of the money, i.e., a horse that doesn’t win, place or show.
An area located next to the racetrack where players may watch racing up close and in person. A fenceline separates the apron from the actual racing surface.
The area of the racetrack opposite the finish line. At most tracks, it is the area that crosses in front of the tote board.
The total available wagering funds held by the player.
Best Bet
The horse selected by a handicapper to win a race; or a wager in a game representing the highest odds in favor of the player.
The amount of money a player voluntarily risks on cards, sports or other games. The bet can be in the form of cash, chips or vouchers.
A person who places or has a bet (US). A bettor is also called a player in the US and a punter in the UK.
A record of each race showing finish, calls, odds and comments describing the performance of each racer. The chart is considered a useful statistical aid to handicappers for studying the past performance of each racing horse.
Daily Double
A combination wager where the player selects the winners of the first and second races of the day. He must place his bet before the start of the first race. The daily double is similar to the accumulator.
The female parent of an animal, i.e., the mother of a greyhound or thoroughbred.
Dead Heat
An exact tie in a race. The winner in a photo finish is determined by the position of the tip of the racer’s nose, relative to the wire.
Even Money
A bet that pays the player the same amount that he wagered plus his original wager. Shown as a ratio of 1:1. Neither side lays any odds.
Refers to wagering on a race in which the first and second place horses are picked to cross the finish line in a specified order.
Exacta Box
Refers to wagering on a horse race in which the first and second place horses (two or more) are picked to cross the finish line in any order.
The physical state of the racetrack during normal weather conditions.
The team, side, horse or contestant competing in any given event considered to have the best chance to win.
Field (Racing)
The number of entries in a race.
Total amounts of wagers taken.
The area surrounded by the oval racetrack.
Intentional physical contact that obstructs or impedes the running of horses or players in a game.
In the Money
A first, second or third-place finish (i.e. Win, place or show)
The margin equal to the length of one horse. Length is used to describe the position of a horse, relative to his competitors during calls or at the finish of the race.
Refers to the listed odds, points, money line or point spread for any given event.
Long Odds
Relatively small odds given that an event will occur.
Long Shot
An extreme underdog.
An acronym for minutes-to-post, i.e., the time remaining before the start of a particular race.
A racing term for the slimmest margin of victory.
Odds On Favorite
A horse, team or contestant so favored by the public that the odds for the event are less than even.
OTB (Off -Track Betting)
An establishment outside of the racetrack, like a sports bar or restaurant where people can bet on horse racing from racetracks around the country.
Past Performance
An accurate record of the performance of specific teams, horses or contestants when participating in sports events similar to those scheduled.
Photo Finish
When a camera is used to accurately determine the winner of a very close race.
Pick Six
A combination wager on the six winners of six consecutive races.
Pick Three
A combination wager on the three winners of three consecutive races.
A wager that a specific dog or horse will finish in first or second place, i.e., if the player’s selection crosses in first or second place, he collects.
Post Time
The time the race begins.
A printed guide to the day’s races including detailed data to assist players to handicap the races.
Racing Secretary
The track official whose major functions include determining how many races of each grade are to be run over each distance for any given program. The racing secretary also conducts the random draw for post positions.
To withdraw, cancel or call off a wager.
Describes a third-place finish. A player collects if his selection finishes first, second or third.
The male parent of an animal, e.g., the father of a greyhound or horse.
Stakes Race
A horse race for a championship, or for a purse larger than those offered for ordinary feature races.
Straight Bet (Wager)
A wager on a specific horse or team, in a single designated race or game, to win at the given odds. This is the simplest and most common bet. Also see Single Bet, and Win (Bet).
A wager placed on any four horses or greyhounds to cross the finish line in a specific order.
The money taken from the betting pool by track management for the state, as well as the racing association.
Totalisator Machine
A computerized system that records amounts wagered, prints tickets for players, calculates odds and displays them on screens throughout a racetrack.
Tote Board
A board located behind the backstretch of the racetrack that displays the odds, pools, results and payoffs of each race.
A wager on three selections, in a single designated race, to cross the finish line in a specific order.
Trifecta Box
Racing term referring to a player making three picks to finish first, second and third in any order.
The amount of money a player voluntarily risks on a game. The wager can be in the form of cash, chips or vouchers.
Win (Bet)
A wager on a specific horse or greyhound to win at the given odds. This is the simplest and most common bet. If the player’s selection crosses the finish line in first place, he collects.
Winner’s Circle
An area where the winning greyhound or horse is on display following the race and is often involved in a ceremonial presentation.
The official finish line for a horse race.